TEPPCON - Tamale Ecclesiastical Provincial Pastoral Conference
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All Posts by TEPPCON

Archbishop declares youth unemployment alarming, threatening

Most Reverend Philip Naameh, Metropolitan Archbishop of Tamale has described unemployment as an alarming phenomenon that needed concerted efforts between the church and government towards addressing it. He called for collaborative effort to reverse the phenomenon and said all stakeholders must think outside the box to find lasting solutions to

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Most Rev Bishop Dr. Stefan Zekorn 
Vists Tamale.

Most Rev Stefan Zekorn, Bishop in charge of Partnership in the Diocese of Muenster represented the Bishops, priests and religious and the lay faithful of the Diocese of Muenster at the funeral of the former and late Archbishop Emeritus of   Tamale and President of TEPPCON . Bishop Dr Stefan Zekorn

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Keynote Address by; Alfred Agyenta (Bishop of Navrongo-Bolgatanga Diocese) Theme: FRATELLI TUTTI AND COVID 19; CHALLENGES AND PROSPECTS FOR EFFECTIVE EVANGELIZATION IN THE TAMALE ECCLESIASTICAL PROVINCE First of all, I will make some preliminary remarks about TEPPCON, the reason for which we have gathered here in the first place. Secondly,

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The Tamale Ecclesiastical Province Partnership in Action (TEPPIA) is an NGO and the development wing of the Tamale Ecclesiastical Province of the Catholic Church. According to the 2010 population and housing census, the Catholic church in Ghana constitutes about 13-15% of the national population. The contribution and impact of the

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